Sustainable Living and Clean Beauty Panel: Key Learnings
Last night I attended an intimate panel discussion on conscious living with Indie Lee, Cameron Rogers from Freckled Foodie and Abby K. Cannon from Abby’s Food Court. Here are a few key takeaways and some tips I learned about sustainable living and clean beauty:
first and foremost, you don’t have to dive right in. You can start with one small change and small steps will make a big difference
there are more than 4,000 chemicals in plastic, including our grab and go coffee cups and the plastic our take out comes in! Something I am definitely going to think about more. One recommendation was to bring your own coffee cup
You can bring your own bag (e.g. canvas bag) to the grocery store
Be mindful of waste - make the most of scraps. You can freeze vegetables and make broth, so many small things I’ve never thought of!
Lastly, while I know Follain tests thousands of products and the ingredients (so amazing! a brand you can trust), I didn’t know if you bring in your finished product bottle to recycle you can get a 10% off discount.
Be sure to follow these amazing women for more tips! I can’t wait to continue to follow their journey and learn more.
Be well xx